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To receive our email-newsletter and occasional special events, sign up HERE

Morning Zazen

Due to the extreme cold and reports of dangerous driving conditions, Zen Center will not hold any meditation sessions or events from January 20 - 24.  There will be no morning sittings, and no Tuesday evening Dharma Talk this week.  We will resume sitting on Saturday morning, Jan. 25, with the regular Saturday schedule.  

6:00 - 6:50 am
Zazen 40 min

6:00 - 7:40 am
zazen 40 min
kinhin 10 min
zazen 40 min
Robe Chant, followed by
Heart Sutra (apprx 10 min)

ZAZEN - seated meditation
KINHIN - slow walking meditation

Evening Zazen
& Talk

7 pm Zazen (30 min)
7:30 - 8:30 pm
talk & discussion

Dharma-Study for speakers
or updates/cancelations etc

Dana of $10 requested



Zazen Instruction

1st Tuesday - 6 pm

Register by Mon or not held
by Email or Tel-msg 828-398-4212
Dana of $10 requested

Notes on Zazen
In the Middle of the Muddle
- Randal Daigu Pride


Recorded Lectures

Great Tree online talks
GT archived talks on YouTube
see red logo at bottom of menu

Yearning for the Ancient Ways_T.Munnich_6-26-13
MP3 audio lecture

Suzuki Roshi video on zazen____________________________

Dharma Eye Soto Zen Journal

Soto Zen homepage

Dogen Institute

The Dogen Institute is the educational outreach arm of the Sanshin Zen Community The Institute provides educational opportunities for all who are interested in the study of Dogen Zenji and his teachings.
